Members are expected to follow the strict dress code applied to the club. They are asked to advise guests and visitors playing the course that the code is devised in keeping with the traditions of the game of golf. Whilst the club recognises the ever changes trends in both ladies and gentlemen attire, set out below are simple guidelines on dress that is both acceptable on the course and in the clubhouse. There is also a list of clothing that is not approved anywhere within the confines of the club. All clothing worn on the course and in the clubhouse must be tasteful, clean and tidy at all times. It must not be wet, muddy or stained. Dirty work gear is not permitted. All members and guests should be fully aware of the dress code for the club.
The following is acceptable dress code and we would appreciate your support in maintaining the following standards.
• Any recognised golf wear specifically made for playing golf.
• Shirts must have a collar, however, those with roll or turtleneck design are acceptable.
• Shirts must always be tucked in trousers or shorts.
• Tailored knee length shorts with similar coloured knee length sport socks or white ankle sports socks. White sockettes are not acceptable for men but can be worn by ladies.
• Coloured trousers, skirts, shorts that are ‘jeans’ style in design are acceptable (anything made of blue denim is not permitted)
• Trousers must not be worn with them tucked into socks.
• Only footwear designed specifically for the game of golf are acceptable
• Baseball caps, hats or visors must be worn the correct way round and never worn in the clubhouse.
• Smart casual dress must be worn in the clubhouse. “Jacket and Ties” may be specified on designated occasions. (Jerkins and cardigans are not acceptable as jackets.)
• Shirts must have a collar; however, those with roll or turtleneck design are acceptable.
• Golf shoes are not allowed.
• Members must have their shirts tucked into trousers or shorts at all times when in the clubhouse. For any private function where members of the public are present then it is acceptable for shirts to be worn outside the trousers.
• Shoes and socks must be worn in the clubhouse. Modern, casual shoes, to include, sandals, loafers and deck shoes (trainer type shoes are not permitted).
• Coloured trousers, skirts, shorts that are ‘jeans’ style in design are acceptable (anything made of blue denim is not permitted).
Specific to Ladies
• Golf shirts or tops must have either sleeve or a collar. Short tops can be worn outside but long tops must be tucked in.
• Shorts must be tailored, be a reasonable length and worn with sports socks or sockettes.
• Cropped trousers must be tailored
Presentation Nights
All prize winners are required to wear a jacket, shirt and tie and must be smartly dressed when receiving their prize.
Dress that is not approved
• Anything made of blue or coloured denim
• Shirts with large logos, football or rugby or similar attire not designed for golf.
• Tracksuits/shell-suits.
• Trainer type shoes on the course and in the clubhouse.
• Tee shirts on the course and in the clubhouse.
• Paramilitary style combat/cargo style shorts and trousers
• Clothing designed to be worn for other sporting and pastimes other than golf, such as football, athletics and beach wear.
• Outdoor wear such as overcoats, raincoats and wet suits, in the bar/restaurant areas.
Mobile phones must not be used in the clubhouse, other than in designated areas, or on the course, other than an emergency. It is acceptable to bring mobile phones into the clubhouse but they must be kept discreetly hidden away and on silent mode. It is acceptable to receive a vibrated call but this must be answered outside the bar, restaurant area and balconies and the call kept to a minimum. If the call is likely to be lengthy then please go downstairs where it is permitted to make a call. This policy will be monitored and if abused the concession will be withdrawn.
Smoking is not permitted in any area of the clubhouse Persons not meeting the dress code will be advised that the standard is not acceptable and may be asked to change or leave the course. Persistent violations of the dress code will result in the member being asked to explain his reasons to the council. The council will then decide the appropriate action.